You should consult your health care professional before starting 8Beautiful™ or any fitness program to determine if it is right for you.
Do not start 8Beautiful™ if your health care provider advises against it.
There Is No Cost To Join This Challenge.
I am Jennifer Lucas Gibbs and it is my life's mission to help as many women as I can better understand their true personal worth. This includes you. The amount of money in your bank account has nothing to do with how precious or powerful you are, and I desire this life-changing program to be absolutely available to anyone that chooses to step up and join us, so...
So carefully read the message below, knowing that NOTHING will stop you from blossing into that beautiful, bold, bodacious bombshell that is waiting inside you (especially not an enrollment fee).

You should know that the 8Beautiful Challenge™ is NOT just a temporary program that will yield short-term change. If you are looking for your next diet, this isn't it.
8Beautiful™ is a transformative self-esteem AND fitness journey that will leave you dramatically different in 8 weeks than when you started.
Yes, there will be physical work to do and it will pay off in a way you've never experienced in your body before, but there is so much more for you.
It will leave you highly satisfied and proud of yourself and your behaviors. It will show you a side of yourself that you may never have seen before. And it will show you an image in the mirror that you will begin to embrace as the true, honorable, respectable version of you that you have been yearning to see for so long.
Your change will not be for a short and fleeting moment. True transformation is an shift that HOLDS, and in the coming 8 weeks you'll learn habits and skills that will help you hold on to your gains for the rest of your life in a sustainable and ENJOYABLE way that you feel like you could keep doing indefinitely.
If you are ready to get OFF the struggle bus to figuring out how to live in a body you love for the rest of your life, despite hormones, despite age, and despite everything you've ever tried before not lasting, keep reading!
8 Weeks To Falling Madly In Love With Yourself!
You wake up and pass the mirror on the way to get dressed. You try not to make eye contact with yourself.
It's Monday and you're not proud of your eating behaviors over the weekend, or even the whole last week.
You said you were going to get back on track and you didn't. It's Monday (again) and you know you "should" be doing SOMETHING - whatever that is - to at least feel like you're making an effort to improve yourself... but you've stopped and started so many times, it almost feels like there's no point.
If you tried again you'd be miserable and moody, crave off-limit foods more than ever, and even if you made some progress on the scale, it just never lasts. You are the same stuck you that has tried diets, food plans, support groups, workouts, gyms, maybe even trainers and accountability buddies before. And you are where you are.
Maybe it would be easier to just give up and say good-bye to the body you wish you could have (or that you used to have) and just move on to mid-life softness and mediocrity. At least that would be attainable.
You try not to overflow with envy or frustrations when you see others having success and posting their "inspiring transformation stories" on social media. Why can't you find what would work FOR YOU??
Thoughts of self doubt echo in your mind. When you think of starting again you see images of all the short term solutions you had hoped would make the difference, all the money spent chasing the dream of just living a peaceful life where food and exercise are no big deal cuz they're just an automatic, healthy part of your world.
"Is that even possible for me?" you ask. Can you ever really break free of the patterns that keep you feeling stuck, letting yourself down, and piling on the guilt because you know those around you are watching you and going off of your example...
It feels heavy. It is exhausting to carry. Thoughts of trying to figure out how to get control of your body consume your day, distract you, and rob you of the joy you could be experiencing.
You feel compelled to try again to make a physical change, but your energy is low. Why even try again if it will just end up the same (or with even more weight on after all the deprivation?!)
You've tried before, read the books, got excited and motivated, started a program or a challenge, and but after seeing your results slip through your fingers so quickly the other times, you're faced with an even more daunting mental battle every time you look to start again. You don't want to end up right back where you started with one more fail on your list.
You don't even know if you can even believe there is ever going to be an answer THAT CAN WORK FOR YOU long term...
For decades I was in this exact place, feeling the same exact way.
I spent years fighting this same battle.
Feeling ashamed when I looked in the shower mirror.
Feeling like I was doing something morally wrong by not taking better care of my body.
Wanting to be proud of what I saw looking back, but lacking the skills to fix the problem.
I would have a surge of hope and motivation, gain some ground, but then pregnancies or hormone swings would rob me of my progress, putting me further and further behind.
I would have short stints of success, but deep down I knew they wouldn't last because the strict rules I had to follow to see results just didn't feel like a lifestyle I could continue for years to come.
I knew I didn't have the habits to really succeed. I felt like a fraud - like I was just faking it. I felt like the "real me" was the fat, undisciplined one who was somehow making all of the decisions and laughing at my feeble efforts.
And I knew other women just like me were dealing with the same internal struggles.
Why did every program I try feel like it was just FORCING me into a temporary corner that was NOT the joyful and free life I instinctively knew was meant for me?
My real problem was not food or exercise.
It was how I saw myself, and what I felt I deserved...
I was in a pile of debt, watching my career slowly and painfully fall apart over several months, feeling out of control of my life and hormones (even though I'd been seeing doctors), and feeling disgusted by my food choices that I KNEW were contributing to the disappointment I was seeing in my body and making it even worse. After a blow-up fight with my husband, I felt I HAD to do something to take back myself again from being tossed around like some kind of victim. I was meant for more than this.
If you don't know me yet, my name is Jennifer Lucas Gibbs. I'm a 51 year old former model, life coach, entrepreneur, mother, grandmother, and fitness professional.
And... I'm just like you.
For the last 30 years I've been obsessed with personal development, fitness, nutrition and learning and mastering the skills to DO the things that will lead you to finally feel like you have the power to be successful this area of your life and with anything you can envision.
I know both sides. I know the painful part of the road, and how to get to the win.
It takes hope.
It takes optimism.
It takes starting to believe that you might be worthy to be called beautiful.
It takes inner strength.
It takes self-forgiveness and compassion.
It takes perseverance.
It takes learning to trust yourself.
These qualities don't happen by default. They require intention ...
These are traits YOU can develop - IF you decide that it's really your moment to make a change DO what you commit to do. Don't worry. There will be support!
Unlike most programs designed by men and for men, it was obvious to me we needed a solution DESIGNED BY A WOMAN FOR WOMEN, so I took everything I've learned on my own fitness journey and life coaching hundreds of women, and I built a program I call 8 Beautiful™.
And the way I feel about myself and my life is 100x more powerful than the photos.

what is 8 Beautiful?™
8 Beautiful is the only program built for women that has the
power to permanently change
your self-image and your life.
Taking on this challenge, with support and connection with other women on your same path, will begin the pattern of success in every area of your day to day life.
This is about shifting your identity... from the woman that struggles and cries and feels overwhelmed, to the woman that DOES IT.
When you join us for 8 Beautiful you will watch yourself increase in;
You are the one in control. And when you embrace the behavior and thought patterns presented to you in this program, you can CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND THE WAY YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF FOREVER.
Feel proud of yourself every day
Feel bold about the direction you are heading
Become confident about how you are showing up
Find validation and connection with other women like you
Gain the independence to make plans and carry them out as you advance in other areas of your life
See a whole new empowered side of yourself that you always knew was inside you
Enjoy richer relationships in your life because you are learning patience, compassion and boundaries with yourself
Be in the best physical shape of your entire life because you have made the permanent change to see yourself beautiful
Watch yourself truly transform into the blissful, bold, bodacious Bombshell that you were born to be!
(No payment necessary)
women of all ages are seeing the benefits of 8 Beautiful!

Over and over women are feeling stronger, more connected and attaining their goals!
They' re thriving on the support of the women in the group...
They're learning to quickly forgive their shortfalls and KEEP MOVING AHEAD...
They're experiencing the peace of knowing what to do AND doing it...
They're sharing new tips and secrets as they uncover them...
They're feeling safe to be vulnerable with both setbacks and celebrations...
They're seeing weight loss and inch loss...
They're finding accountability and friendships...
They're discovering an inner strength that has been buried for years...
They're finally finding a solution they can use to CONTINUE making progress, even after their 8 weeks is over...

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This is a paragraph. Use this area to add any information you want to share with users. Just click "Edit Text" or double click here to change the text and make it your own. You can also adjust the paragraph's font, size and color so it fits your website’s theme. This is a great place to tell users a story about your website and let them know more about what you offer. You may want to share information about your company's background, your team, or the services you provide. Be sure to keep the tone and voice consistent throughout the site so users become familiar with your brand.
Absolutely no payment is necessary.
What would it mean to truly comprehend your strength and feel empowered to use it?
How could your entire life change by watching yourself DO this?
This will not be a set-in-stone set of MY rules that you must abide by to grasp onto results that won't stick.
This will be a beautiful blend of a framework you can rely on AND your own inner wisdom and intuition, guiding you to find patterns that will serve you for the rest of your life.
You've always had the answers inside, just not an organized and DOable method to experience the success that could keep driving you forward.
If you commit today, I'll share my 8 Beautiful program with you for the unbeatable price of $0.
That's right - it will cost you absolutely zero money for this program.
"But Jennifer... if this program is so valuable why would you give it away for free? Aren't you a life coach?"
Here's why...
Because (just like you) I had done dozens of programs in the past that didn't give me permanent change...
Because (just like you) I too struggled for years, beating myself up, feeling like a failure, slowly losing hope that there was ANY kind of structure I could adhere to for the long term.
...because (just like you) I needed a fellow human to lend a hand up to help me out of my pit...
AND because I love you.
Why is this the 8 Beautiful Challenge?
[8...♾️] more on how valuable you are later...
I have finally figured this out - this is my chance cherish you - and I refuse to let money stand in the way of you doing this for yourself.
Make no mistake though - just because there is no financial price to pay, that doesn't mean there is no sacrifice. It will cost your time, your attention, and your comfort - including putting yourself as a priority when maybe you're not used to doing that. But when you go all in, this will be the sweetest, hardest thing you've ever done.
And you'll be so proud that you did.
Don't wait any longer...
Absolutely no payment is necessary.
I know what youre thinking.
"I'll start Monday"... and that perfectionistic thinking, my beautiful friend, is the reason you MUST start immediately.
Far too often as women, we wait for the just right moment to start something, we push off making time for ourselves, or we slip into black and white thinking with the assumption that "I must be 100% perfect or there is no use in trying".
This perspective robs us of our excitement, momentum and many small victories we could have celebrated along our growth path. We keep waiting for the stars to align for us, for "more time" to magically appear, or for life to calm down.
But in reality, you seizing THIS MOMENT to act on your own behalf is the first step of you doing things in a brand new way. Don't think too hard - use your feminine intuition and FEEL into this.
It's your turn to change your life right now.
You see, 8 Beautiful is not just a fitness challenge. It's a tool, a mirror you will use to look back at yourself in a whole new way with undeniable proof that you can rise, that you can keep your word to yourself, and that you can set a goal and then get that goal.
This is what builds confidence and self-esteem! Undeniable proof of what you are capable of!!
You are about to watch yourself demonstrate your greatness right in front of your own eyes! It is hard to put into words how powerful this will be for you and how it will shift how you see yourself for years and years to come.
Throughout your life you have been the one witness to every single fail and shortfall you've ever had. It's time to stack the scales of belief in your favor. And you will be in awe of how you can make this shift in 8 short weeks.
BUT if you take this on you MUST be committed.
The payoffs I've just talked about are real, but they are not effortless. This program has structure that you have been missing, so DO NOT dilute your results thinking you'll make changes to this program once you start. There are two program levels to choose from and both come with a number "forgiveness" passes you can use to help you stay on track as you accelerate yourself in ways that you never have before.
No matter where you are starting, you absolutely can complete 8 Beautiful successfully if you decide to.
The steps are simple, so it may look easy. It will test your endurance.
It involves daily exercise, so others may think it's too hard. It's not.
I've designed this program in a way that women of any age, any fitness level, any economic background can participate AND SUCCEED!
Whether you already exercise every day, or you haven't laced up your tennis shoes in years, this program is for you.
Instead of continually making you feel bad about yourself all day long, you are about to use your body to make you feel amazing inside and out!
You are going to use the achievable steps I outline to propel your confidence and self-worth to the sky, like a flower reaching toward the sun. You are inevitable.
But you must stop thinking about it, stop talking about what you wish were true, stop posting about being empowered, and take empowered action now.
It's time to commit. And follow through. Take my hand and let's do this together!
Absolutely no payment is necessary.
I value your privacy. I do not sell your information.
~ Jennifer
You should consult your health care professional before starting 8Beautiful™ or any fitness program to determine if it is right for you.
Do not start 8Beautiful™ if your health care provider advises against it.
I want to commit but I hesitate becacuse:
? It's not the right time...
The right time does not exist. There is only now. It doesn't seem right yet because you are not yet the person these habits are easy and natural for. This is your first step to bdcoming her. Choose to do this now while it's difficult to put into your schedule, and how breezy will it be when life settles down. Choose you.
? What if I can't do it...
This will be the perfect exercise in letting go of perfectionism if you feel you must do things 100% or not at all. Some challenges are like that. This one is not. 8 Beautiful is about growth, self-compassion and grace to learn what we don't yet know. In addition to 8 Forgiveness Passes, you'll have the choice of two program levels so you can select what fits best for you right now. The bigger your commitment, the more dramatic your results will be. But if this is where you go from stuck to moving, claim that victory! Choose you.
? I don't want a quick fix. I want something sustainable...
As you should! Temporary wins are for the old you. This is your line in the sand. This is the moment you get to look back on and say "from that point on I was a different person". This is MEANT to be sustainable. This 8 weeks is where you discover that hybrid of structure and flexibility that you can feel into indefinitely. Do the 8 weeks. Learn things about your mental strength, and what WORKS for your body. Soak it in, enjoy the process and the progress, and then take a rest or bump down to a lower version as your new normal resets with the skills you've built. Then run it again whenever you need to, but not because you got out of control like the old you. You do it again because you crave that solid feeling of progress in the direction that feels so good! Choose you.
? I'm already on a diet/exercise plan so I'll wait until I'm done...
This is synergy at it's finest then. How amazing that you are reading this page at this very moment! 8 Beautiful is designed with the flexibility to include ANY workout or meal options that work for you, so that works in your favor instead of against you. And when you add the other well-rounded steps of this challenge to the fitness or diet part of what you're doing... THIS BECOMES THE IDENTITY SHIFTING PROGRAM YOU'VE ALWAYS HOPED TO FIND so that your hard won results STAY WITH YOU long after your program focus is done! Choose you.
Can I substitute out some things in this program?
No. You've already done that. Many times. This program offers plenty of flexibility for you AND the structure you've been missing. Its design PROTECTS YOU from the justification, rationalization and uninspiring results you've experienced in the past. Choose to DO THIS and you'll make yourself proud. Choose you.
? It's been years since I exercised - it's not realistic to commit to 2 workouts a day...
The full 8 Beautiful Challenge does include two workouts per day - and that will deliver you dramatic life and body changing results. But that may not be the best next step for YOU. That's why there is an entry level or "Petite" version of this challenge to help you go from stuck to moving, experiencing success and building momentum to keep you going. This is NOT just a fitness challenge. It is simultaneously a self-esteem challenge where you will get to observe yourself doing things that impress you, things that you CAN do that build your confidence and self-trust. Start at the right level for you and WIN. Then level up when you are ready. This challenge fits for anyone, even if one workout each day is just taking a walk. If that's where you are let's get you moving... and celebrating! Choose you.
? Do I have to be outdoors to do this challenge?
No. While some popular challenges designed for men require that exercise be done outside, that is not always a safe option for women. While I do highly recommend that one workout each day be done outside so that you can experience the beauty of nature and create new healthy patterns for yourself, I realize that our schedules don't always allow for this to be safe. I don't want women jogging alone or on ice in the dark just to check a box if it puts them at risk. So do what makes sense for you, and give yourself the gift of fresh air, sunrises and beautiful vistas as often as you can. It will fuel you forward. Choose you.
? This seems too easy. I already do these things...
Awesome! You've already done some of the groundwork and you'll be an inspiration to others in our tribe. And yet, most very fit and experienced exercisers find that there are small gaps in their game that they identify through the challenge, and they get to level up. If this is easy, scoop up your simple win - and if what you've been doing already has become too routine to push you, then this is still what you're looking for. Choose you.
Here are more stories of what women have experienced with 8 Beautiful. It's not just physical.

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This is a paragraph. Use this area to add any information you want to share with users. Just click "Edit Text" or double click here to change the text and make it your own. You can also adjust the paragraph's font, size and color so it fits your website’s theme.This is a great place to tell users a story about your website and let them know more about what you offer. You may want to share information about your company's background, your team, or the services you provide. Be sure to keep the tone and voice consistent throughout the site so users become familiar with your brand.
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Absolutely no payment is necessary.

Presented by Jennifer Lucas Gibbs
Founder of See Yourself Beautiful™
Jennifer is a confidence and mindset coach, former model and fitness professional who believes you have incredible unrealized beauty. Begin the journey to see yourself more clearly, and to LOVE what you see. You are Infinite!
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting 8 Beautiful or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start 8 Beautiful if your physician or health care provider advises against it.
8 Beautiful™ is a trademark of Infinite Step Mentoring.
Infinite Step Mentoring ©️ 2023. All Rights Reserved.